My dad always told me that I should carry and handkerchief (usually while I was sniffling in church or somewhere equally rude to be making noise). He always had those thin white hankies that you can buy in packs 3 or more, and still does.
Once I never liked those white handkerchiefs, so once his advice finally took hold, I started using some old bandannas I had lying around. Once they became ratty, I went down to Hobby Lobby and bought some more.
Not only are handkerchiefs good for runny noses, they have a lot of other uses as well. The Boy Scouts teach how to use the neckerchiefs they all wear as slings. While that's once example, it's rarely used. I use my bandannas as a neck warmer when I go snowboarding, as a pot holder while I'm cooking, sweat rag while playing racquetball, and list goes on.
Never spend too much, always have one on you. It's even one of Nick Offerman's 10 rules to live by, and that's pretty good in my book.
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